Multimedia has been regularly used as a marketing tool by business enterprises to market their products and services. It has been used with web-based applications to cater to the growing marketing demands. In a city full of opportunities such as …
Thanks to the Internet, it’s easier than ever for new bands and artists to be discovered and to sell their music directly to fans. How do you get started and what’s the best way to promote your band? Here are …
The invention of television and Internet has dragged a considerable number of people to depend on these audio visuals for information as well as entertainment. This is because television and Internet are easy means of communication. What holds maximum importance …
Viewing movies is probably the most common setting of entertainment. There are merely a handful of individuals who do not like viewing movies or even television sequence. However, because of the ever increasing function pressure as well as subsequently the …
We have seen mobile phones, and then we have stumbled upon masterpieces. Mobile phone manufacturers constantly strive to excel one another by delivering the best within their potential. So far, the world has witnessed the proliferation of a sequentially progressive …
Digital players of all sorts were happily sharing the market. The advent of the MP3 player probably caused many of their sales figures to come to an abrupt standstill as this latest gadget boasted more capacity to fit into the …
The music of Korea is over 1000 years old. Isang Yun – a musician teaching in Berlin included Korean songs in his course which was later brought back to Korea. Like all other strong influences, war definitely had its impact …
In most places, Saturday is the most common day of the week for weddings. Alternate days of the week have become increasingly popular for weddings in recent years, leading to the rise of the Sunday wedding. This is a look …
Yoonie Han, winner of the 2011 Washington International Competition, has sought new experiences since winning the Korea National Music Competition at age 15 and subsequently fending for herself in the United States. The vivacious pianist chose to perform Beethoven’s Piano …
This article will take a look at DUBturbo, the best home recording software for the beginner, discussing what features and functionality this software has to offer. If you are looking for a pro-level beat maker be sure and read this …
Everyone wants to be good in what he or she does. To become the best is impossible without particular knowledge, certain skills and much practice. What if you want to be the best photo editor without Photoshop knowledge? Photoshop is …
It is the Greek Philosopher Aristotle who coined the term Catharsis. For him it meant a purging of emotions, cleansing of the soul while one watches a play, especially a tragic one. Here I would like to redefine catharsis as …