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Emmanual “Mjokes” Matsane&#13

Photograph: Screengrab/Instagram/@mjokesmatsane

In a statement on Sunday, file label Kalawa Jazmee declared the death of Trompies member Emmanuel Mojalefa Matsane, regarded as “Mjokes”.

“It is with good sadness to announce that our KALAWA JAZMEE co-director and fifth member of Trompies, Emmanuel Mojalefa Matsane commonly recognised as Mjokes, handed away in a vehicle incident,” the press statement reads. 

It goes on to say that the incident took put in the early hrs of Sunday early morning after a person of the group’s performances. 

“Further more information and facts pertaining to his memorial company and funeral will be supplied during the 7 days,” it concludes. 

Sharing a information on their official Twitter account, the Southern African Music Rights Organisation (Samro) wrote: “It is with great unhappiness to find out of the passing of Kwaito group, Trompies member, Mjokes. It is noted that Mjokes (Emmanuel Matsane) died in a vehicle accident just after a effectiveness in Meadowlands. Condolences to his pals, loved ones and followers.”

Messages from enthusiasts and marketplace pals also arrived streaming in on the social media system.  

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