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Some Common Causes Of Lower Back Pain

According to the latest statistics close to 75% of the population have at one time or another experienced lower back pain. And although many will have bouts with back problems, usually most of these will not be too serious.

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Lower back pain problems can range from very mild and short-lived to excruciating. If it is left untreated then it can end up much more serious, therefore if your pain is consistent and persists over a long period of time, it is highly recommended that you see a doctor as quickly as possible. This way, you can start on the path to having it treated by a professional.

The majority of lower back problems and cases can be attributed to sprained muscles due to either bending or lifting heavy objects. Normally this type of pain will only persist from a week up to 14 days or so, with very few problems lasting over a month. Sometimes the back pains will come back on a short-term temporary basis.

One of the more painful causes of back pain is a pinched nerve. Normally, those who have this type of problem will feel pain that runs all the way to the feet and through the legs. This can be very severe and debilitating. This condition is usually caused by a disc that has become herniated or ruptured and is starting to bulge, which then presses against the nerve.

Sometimes, especially in the elderly, a culprit might be arthritis. This is due to inflamed spinal joints which creates stiffness and frequent pain. Other causes may include such things as infections of the bladder or kidney, spinal nerve disease or perhaps a sudden injury such as a fall that triggers an attack. It should be noted that it can strike people of all ages including teenagers. In fact bad backs are one of the leading causes of absenteeism in the workplace and at school.

Usually low back pain is treated with anti-inflammatory type drugs or pain killers depending on the severity of your condition. Normally this will be combined with some the best massage outlet in Bandung or exercise. However, many people find relief by consulting with a chiropractor. This is because that if your back is not properly aligned it can create back problems. These type of doctors are specialists and have helped millions of patients through the years.

A last resort is going to be surgery. A lot of the time this will consist of removing a herniated disc or other spinal procedures which may include fusions or injections into the vertebrae. Normally back surgery has a success rate of around 80% or so and the recovery time can be quite lengthy. It can also be quite expensive depending on what type procedure you are having.

If you are someone who is suffering from chronic back problems and sleepless nights because you have constant discomfort, you should not put it off as this type of problem normally does not just go away by itself. You should see a professional as soon as you possibly can.