Music licensing commonly refers to ‘royalty free music’ or ‘production music’. This is music that has been written and produced with the sole purpose of being used in another project. Anyone can then license this music for a fee, to …
The cinema has become, perhaps after television, the most popular form of visual entertainment in the modern world. Every night, millions of people sit down to watch either a film on TV, a film on video, or else a film …
About Kali Kali Ma is the first of the 10 mahavidya, or wisdom goddesses in the tantric tradition. She is portrayed with black skin, 4 arms, wide open glaring eyes, a necklace consisting of severed heads and dances on the …
In Robert Cialdini’s book, Influence, he identified six universal principles that generate instant influence: reciprocation, liking, social proof, authority, scarcity and consistency. If someone does something for us, we naturally want to return the favor (reciprocation). If we like …
A for “Art?” Photojournalism clearly contains an aesthetic element characteristic to art. But some observers object to the idea of photojournalism as art. Journalism in general is about reporting facts. Does Art connote something artificial? Or is it simply putting …
Animation is the process of linking a series of slightly different drawings especially, cartoons together to simulate movement. Phenomenon of persistence of vision normally needs 24 frames per second in a frame. If a series of 24 or less cartoon …
An activity is portrayed as a visual change in a scene with perceive to time. The visual change in the scene isn’t least complex related with the substitute inside the part of the thing, however also with its shape, shading, …
I just recently finished reading the book, Ripped: How the Wired Generation Revolutionized Music. I’m kind of mad at myself for waiting so long to read it. It’s been in the “to read” pile for a long time and I …
Alfas del Pi Music Society offered three May concerts to complete the first part of its annual season. But these were three remarkably different concerts, each challenging in its own way, each presenting a surprising mix of the partially familiar …
Music has always fascinated people in every era – irrespective of their gender, age and ethnicity. Since it does not have any language, speakers of every language can listen to it. If we take a closer look at the growth …
The Elk If you were born between November 22nd and December 21st, you were born under the sign of the elk. This article will describe what is likely to be your personality and character traits and offer ways in which …
Wedding photography is an evolving field that requires artistic talent, vision, and highly technical expertise. In the past wedding photography was almost always limited to stiff posses without much regard for the underlying story, emotion, romance, and behind the scene …